Saathi Cares is an innovative, not-for-profit company registered as SHC Foundation, based in DelhiNCR, that provides quality oral healthcare services to underserved communities in India; by setting up mobile/portable dental clinics where care seekers are screened for oral health conditions, treated and referred for advanced treatment to the nearest dental colleges/clinics or district hospitals and followed up on critical cases. Besides, with a strong focus on preventive care, they organize oral hygiene awareness drives and group and one-to-one counselling sessions on quitting harmful oral habits.
Parallely, Saathi Cares aims to provide on-the-job training to youth from the community to become dental assistants and facilitate their employment. If you are interested in collaborating as a dentist to provide treatment, give flight to your research ideas, help us in building awareness sessions and a training curriculum, reach out to us.
Thank You